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"There are women who believe they can unseat the most powerful man in the world using only the careful application of itty bitty panties. I kid you not, and I am absolutely certain they will succeed."

This threat should not be underestimated. Just recall Monica Lewinski and her thong.

Hey Dude, One of the finest dissections on "Psychology On Panties" I've ever read. Absolutely hillarious, and sure, I'd pay 10.000 U$ to sit next to my wife knowing she was wearing Wicked Weasel "knickers"... ;-)~

my gosh did you actually research the history of underwear?!
lots of neat facts and interesting points! :)

a stunning achievment! I no longer feel alone in my slavering lust. Thanks. Oh, here's a link that might help, lusty threads

You are a genius.

The reason the can can was so risque is that the crotch seam on the bloomers the girls were wearing wasn't sewn shut. Those high kicks were showing more that a bit of leg...

In olden days a glimpse of stocking
Was thought of as something shocking
Now Heaven knows
No one wears hose.

Well, I came here to say "great post" and all that and I see I have *3* trackback pings here?

Well, I am sorry, I didn't mean to have 3 and I just wrote the post THIS afternoon, so HTH the one is there from the 3rd, I'll never know.

Anyway, great post - fun read!

I'll be back!


women are dressing more like men there are no more women so crossdressers like me are takeing over more and more women are acting like men seee ya girls

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