I'll grant you, I didn't watch every minute of the Republican Convention, and I wasn't taking notes or anything. But maybe someone can help me here: Was "Osama bin Laden" mentioned even once? By anyone?
Let's go to the text:
Taking the five highest profile speakers at the convention -- President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Senator Zell Miller, Governor Schwarzenegger, and former Mayor Giuliani -- we get this breakdown:
Mentions of Osama bin Laden: 0Must just have been an oversight. Let's check, as the pols say, the internals. Let's look at President Bush:
Mentions of John Kerry: 42
Mentions of Saddam Hussein: 21
Saddam: 10Must have been an oversight. How about Vice President Cheney:
Kerry: 2
Osama: 0
Kerry: 14I sense a pattern.
Saddam: 4
Osama: 0
I don't get it. In a convention almost entirely dedicated to the war on terrorism, they fail to mention even once the evil genius we're most anxious to bring to justice, dead or alive. Maybe Arnold can save the day:
Kerry: 9
Saddam: 6
Osama: 0
Kerry: 0Refresh my memory: Did Arnold talk about anything? Oh, yeah:
Saddam: 0
Osama: 0
Girlie men: 1Zell Miller is interesting:
Kerry: 17He talked about Kerry more than he talked about his own candidate. He probably did that because Democrats are so negative.
Saddam: 1
Osama: 0
Bush: 8
UPDATE: More interesting Bush numbers from a comment over at Talkleft.
Number of Bush administration public statements on National security issued between 20 January 2001 and 10 September 2001 that mentioned al-Qa'ida: 1Number of Bush administration public statements on National security and defence in the same period that mentioned Iraq or Saddam Hussein: 104
Number of Bush administration public statements on National security and defence in the same period that mentioned missile defence: 101
Do searches on both nuclear AND nucular in Bush's speach
Posted by: Jerry | 09/03/2004 at 12:30 PM