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My sympathies Tom. I recently had the unfortunate experience to visti Applebees. Think M&E without all that wonderful tortila soup.

Too funny. I am a total restaurant snob. I'd rather go out for a $150 meal (including good wine & dessert) once a week (and eat mac & cheese at home) than go out 5 x $30 or even 3 x $50 meals.

Fortunately for me Boulder is a quiet gourmet restaurant mecca. In fact, we have one of the highest restaurant per capita ratios in the US. And I absolutely will NOT eat anywhere with an all you can devour salad bar or a place that touts its best dessert being a choco chip cookie!

Also, I'll even ask a waiter to buzz off by saying "WE'RE FINE!!!"

Yes, I have the dubious honor of living in Max & Erma's headquarters city. I know people who would cut your throat for that soup, lol.

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