Though the temptation is to see the Islamist psychopathology in 10th Century terms, there are times when it takes on a distinctly 21st Century character. For example, the Middle East Media Research Institute translates what is apparently a promotion from an Iraqi terrorist group. The promotion, run by something called "The Army of the Victorious Group," sounds like something an American radio station would run, except that instead of being simply stupid and insulting, it's also homicidal.
The information bureau of the Army of the Victorious Group has announced a contest for designing and constructing a special website for the Army...After selecting the best design, the Army's information bureau will notify the winner.
The contest will continue for a month, and there will be two prizes for the best design:
1. Reward from Allah for blessed work in the service of jihad and the jihad fighters.
2. The winner will fire three long-range missiles from any location in the world at an American army base in Iraq, by pressing a button [on his computer] with his own blessed hand, using technology developed by the jihad fighters, Allah willing.
There is no word on whether, as a virtual martyr, the contest winner will receive by email j-pegs of 72 virgins.