A recurring point of argument on this blog is my tendency to talk about "conservatives" and "Republicans" as if they were uniform groups. Of course they're not, as my readers often remind me. But still, there are traits that the great majority of those overlapping groups have that make it difficult for me to see the necessity of larding my stuff with weasel words like "most" or "some."
So, in order to clarify, here's a list of traits that define the particular kind of "Republicans" and "conservatives" I'm talking about when I talk about Republicans and conservatives. You're one of them if:
- You think waterboarding isn't torture.
- You think President's greatest responsibility is to protect Americans' physical safety.
- Your primary emotion is outrage.
- You repeat every bad thing any nutjob tells you.
- You believe that the reason Republicans are going to lose this election is vote fraud.
- You believe things that are obviously untrue.
- You think Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh are credible sources of information.
- You can't understand the difference between surrender and changing strategy.
- You think there are a large number of people who were born and raised in America, who live in America, who are leading fulfilling lives in America, who are engaged in legal American political processes, but who are nonetheless anti-American.
- You recite Republican attacks without knowing what those attacks actually mean.
And I just posted a nice, long comment but it was flagged as spam. So I'll post it on my site as well, just to make sure you can see it.
Posted by: Frank | 10/27/2008 at 12:30 PM
Charlton Heston was one of them. He is dead isn't he? Each one of you owes it to yourselves to watch this amazing journey into the surreal. It may be the most experimental piece of television ever produced. I think it would be great viewing just to see the producer pitch this to Heston's agent, especially considering the pittance they could afford to pay the Academy Award winning President of the NRA. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ir2LkGwGKg
Posted by: Wally | 10/27/2008 at 05:11 PM
Check this out. At a McCain rally I was at on Friday. Totally different vibe than Obama's yesterday. I even talked to the same protesters from badchange.org and they said the Obama camp was much nicer to them than their camp was to us.
Posted by: michelle | 10/27/2008 at 07:15 PM
I couldn't post this the other day; let's see if it'll take now.
From the 40 reasons to ban guns (google it for the full list):
#31. Charlton Heston, a movie actor as president of the NRA, is a cheap lunatic who should be ignored, but Michael Douglas, a movie actor as a representative of Handgun Control, Inc., is an ambassador for peace who is entitled to an audience at the UN arms control summit.
Posted by: Squidley | 11/02/2008 at 01:54 AM