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You live in the south. Has it ever looked like the picture in the post on your patio?

That is my patio.

Man, I can't wait to get back down south where there is no winter! I'll trade shoveling the driveway on Christmas day for a day out on the boat ANY day!

Oh and Tom, you look like Cartman during the summer too. :) (Sorry, couldn't resist, signed Melonhead)

Your post today reminded me of something else you said once upon a time. You once told me that one of the things you found disconcerting about California was the lack of necessity for a Plan B in case of weather. After 10 years in SoCal, now 2 years in The (rainy) Netherlands, I finally get it. Seems like it would be preferable to always be able to count on the weather, but I find the unpredictibility strangely satisfying.

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