I'm thinking pretty seriously about buying a place in the country and stocking it with canned goods and ammunition. My father always said, "It's good to have a Plan B," and I'm thinking a good Plan B might be a reinforced bunker and no need to go outside until, say, the Spring of 2015.
The warning signs are all around us: stock market collapse, weird armed conflicts over nothing all over the world, and complete disarray in the National Basketball Association:
I count 30 NBA teams; 20% have dumped their coach in the early weeks of the season. The Kings currently have three head coaches on their payroll: Theus, the guy before Theus, and the new guy who's replacing Theus. Would any sane organization do that if it really thought it was going to have to pay-out all those contracts? Of course not. Clearly, the Sacremento Kings and NBA believe the world is going to end soon.
And that's good enough for me. I'm
Its about time that you started paying attention to the Kings....may god watch over them for they truly sucketh!
Posted by: fish | 12/16/2008 at 10:43 AM