I stood on the front porch for ten minutes enjoying the icy beauty of the night. During that time, I heard three large limbs crack and fall to the ground. Then I watched two guys haul a 25 foot limb home, presumably for firewood.
UPDATE: Just past midnight now, and it sounds like the 4th of July out there, with trees cracking like fireworks. I was out on the porch when a 20 foot limb fell in my next door neighbor's front yard. Two houses up from there, the couple is out moving their cars to a clear area up the block. It takes a certain amount of courage just to go out under the big, old trees right now. I don't know if I'd do it, given the fact that my cars are better insured than my skull.
Our house is out of the free fire zone. We had two big trees near the house go down a couple of years ago in windstorms, so there's nothing bigger than an old dogwood in our front yard, and the trees in back are well away from the house. I can walk down to the streets without passing under anything substantial, and a quick glance up and down the block shows at least two big trees down.
Back inside, every few minutes, something cracks and the dogs start barking like complete idiots.
We're due for five more hours of ice buildup, and then snow after that.
Will you be blogging when the townfolk turn to canabalism?
Posted by: pursuit | 01/27/2009 at 09:46 PM
Odds are, I'll be the first to convert. So: recipes.
Posted by: Tom | 01/28/2009 at 12:10 AM
Well, you could start off by easing into it, say with Natural Harvest.
Posted by: Frank | 01/28/2009 at 09:00 AM
I hear our meat is tender due to many of our sedentary lifestyles, so veal recipes may be applicable.
Posted by: Lee | 01/28/2009 at 11:37 AM
LG&E said 7-10 days until I'll have electricity again. So it goes.
Posted by: Bernie | 01/28/2009 at 07:09 PM